In my opinion, it is crucial for students to know about their culture before learning about others, so I found this superbe website with overwhelming information about our culture! Pretty sweet eh?

Check it out!
My Culture & ESL Blog!!
5 commentaires:
ya canadian culture is cool and everything, but i think that canadians have the worst reputation when it comes to our. I think we canadians should all get together and agree never to say this infamous syllable ("eh") ever again. There are a few exceptions: "Eh! you're stepping on my foot." or "*funny joke* followed by EHYOOO!". I for one have already stopped using it. I'm only one man, but it's a start.
Hi Sara Ann!!
What a great site about our Canadian Culture!!! 16 000 links, impressive! Living here, we don't really know what Canada has to offer, how ironic! Just a great example about Québec: it's popular for its Carnival and I've never been to it! I also lived in BC when I was young and I've still never been to the World Famous Banff for example!
About the "Eh?" that Canadians are famous for, I think the Americans have over-used it in imitating our nation and making us look like uneducated people... (I take this stance from watching American comedy shows). I think the equivalent of "Eh?" in French is "Hein?" and I tend to use it often and don't think that it's a bad thing.
Thanks for your link!!
Jason, thank you for your comment, but I must say that I disagree with you. Although we are popular and may be mocked for our famous "Eh" saying, it surely doesn't mean that we have a bad reputation. On the contraire, I think that Canadians have a great reputation, as we are seen as a peaceful, blissful, welcoming country. In addition, I believe that Canadians also have these stereotypical ideas about other cultures, for instance, when we portrait or mock Australians, we seem to think that they use the word "mate" in all of their sentences, yet it doesn't mean they have a bad reputation.
Lastly, in my opinion, this "eh" saying is a part of our culture which we shouldn't be ashamed of because some people make fun of it.
Ps: You say that you stopped using "eh", but I have trouble believing that...I am sure that you still do, without really realizing it... maybe you should get someone to help you notice whenever you do...!
Well, Sara Ann,
I must admit I am truly impressed by your blog, I mean, we must be proud of who we are and our culture.
Keep up the good work,
Hey guys! I must say I agree with Viky when she says that Canadians are often ridiculized. Let's just think about this episode of South Park (Okay, I hate South Park to death but it fits with what I am going to say!), where they represent us with the moose and the racoon hats. I mean, we are so much more than that. We are open-minded people, we are especially known for being social and outgoing. We have our own gastronomy inspired with plenty of countries in the world. We ROCK!
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